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Welcome to the Ceylon Computer Science Institute (C2SI). Our dedicated research spans the cutting-edge realms of cybersecurity, privacy, artificial intelligence, internet innovations, digital forensics, mobile and cloud computing, and advanced software tools. Help us contribute to a smarter and safer digital world through research and innovation.




Scan8 is a Kubernetes-based rapid URL/File scan system that allows to submit a list of...


Ipv6 is the internet’s future, and it necessitated a more scalable survey tool to comp...

Geo DNS Scanner

Distributed zdns implementation Set Up Instructions Create a Service Account and ...


RayZed is a ray-based, distributed web vulnerability scanner designed on a ray queue. ...

CloudActive Web

Welcome to CloudActive, your gateway to seamless cloud resource management and optimiz...

Animal Rescue

AnimalRescue App initiative to develop a mobile app to track animals that are in need ...

Track Pal

TrackPal is a public based mobile application that implemented using react-native and ...


Stackle is a web communication portal aimed at providing Open Source organizations a p...


Malicious and low credibility urls on twitter during the astrazeneca covid-19 vaccine development

Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling - 14th International Conference, SBP-BRiMS 2021, Virtua...

Fix that Fix Commit: A real-world remediation analysis of JavaScript projects

2020 IEEE 20th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)

Investigating MMM Ponzi scheme on bitcoin

Proceedings of the 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security - 2020